Check out Goodreads!

Check it out! is the best website ever! Did you know you can enter to win free books? I've already won 2. At the risk of more competition, I urge you all to check it out!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud

In order: The Amulet of Samarkand ,The Golem's Eye, and Ptolmey's Gate are the three books that make up Jonathan Stroud's Bartimaeus trilogy. The first book in the trilogy was good, I enjoyed it, but I really really liked the second two much better. I have to tell you, however, that Nathaniel is quite difficult to like, but you have to know that he is not really the protagonist . . . Bartimaeus is. It's written in first person when it's Bartimaeus' perspective and in limited third person when telling Nathaniel or Kitty's perspective, making it so you feel closer to Bartimaeus . . . was that confusing enough? Good. Now go read it! ;)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Hi hi hi! It's been awhile. There was a wicked storm a couple weeks back that totally fried our television, xbox, and internet modem so I've been without all the most important things! Except books (thank heavens). So here I am, at the library, completely miffed that my new modem hasn't yet arrived and that I have to leave the comfort of my deliciously cool home in order to so much as check my email. It stinks here too . . . although, maybe it's me? *whiff whiff* Yikes. Poor baby. I know . . . oh well. On with the show.

Red Rising is a new novel by author Pierce Brown. If you enjoyed Hunger Games then you are going to love Red Rising. It's very similar, yet very different. A review said that it was a combination of both Hunger Games and Ender's Game but I hated Ender's Game so refuse to acknowledge any sort of similarity. I think it's actually a combination of H.G. and Count of Monte Cristo. Who doesn't love CofMC? It's awesome.

Anyway, I'm not going to give anything away, except that if you don't read it you will be so very sorry. Also, that this is the first book of what I'm assuming is going to be a series, and that it is quite new so the sequel will be a long time coming. Read it now though so you don't forget about it and miss an opportunity to read a really awesome book!

Ps, Pierce Brown is a cutie.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Speak of the Devil by Allison Leotta

Speak of the Devil: A Novel was my first Goodreads Giveaway, and I loved it! This is the third book Leotta has written featuring the charming prosecutor, Anna Curtis, with the first two being Law of Attraction (#1) and Discretion (#2).

Leotta's personal experience with prosecuting sex crimes adds a note of authenticity to her writing. I had the pleasure of actually corresponding with Ms. Leotta, and found out that certain aspects of the terrifying story she presents in Speak of the Devil were taken directly from her personal experience working in D.C. against the MS-13 gang. 

Leotta's writing is spectacular, and certainly a joy to read. Her characters are very three dimensional, and complex. Her description of the legal processes and work that prosecutors and detectives undergo to make the system work is precise and easy to understand. If you're looking for a realistic crime novel Allison Leotta is the author for you. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Children of the Promise by Dean Hughes

If you know me you know I am no longer a member of the LDS church; however, I can't stop loving this series despite the heavy religious content. Children of the Promise is my all time favorite series, and I can't believe I haven't put it on my blog yet. I read Rumors of War for the first time when I was in middle school, something like 11-12 years ago (that can't be right!! When did I get so old?!).

I've seriously lost count of how many times I've re-read the series, and yet I cry every time. Every time. Children of the Promise is a series of 5 books set in the 1940's, focusing on two family's struggles through WWII. The Thomas family is the main focus, but the series also follow the Stoltz family as they make the dangerous escape from Nazi Germany.

The main characters of the book: Alex, Bobbie, Wally, Gene, LaRue (the name I want to name my first girl), Anna, and Peter are all so real. You can't help but love every one of them; they take hold of your heart and refuse to let go. You'll find yourself feeling as though you are a part of their experiences, their lives. Dean Hughes did an amazing job with this series and I guarantee you will love it.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Fablehaven Series by Brandon Mull

I love this series. It's so fun. I've even read it twice - which only happens when I really like a book. The series is about a brother and sister who discover a whole new world literally in their grandparents backyard. Mull's writing is captivating, fluid, and entertaining. The protagonists are very human - meaning they have faults that drive you crazy, but you still find yourself loving them. Originally, I had put this series on par with Harry Potter, but I'm afraid, Harry Potter is on its own plane and it's very difficult to find a series as good. Still, it's great. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Partials Series by Dan Wells

Partials by Dan Wells is an excellent end of the world series. The human race is on the verge of extinction after a war with the genetically enhanced super soldiers called Partials. The Partials are believed to have released a disease called RM that wipes out 99.996% of all the humans on earth leaving a small number to try to rebuild society. Unfortunately, while the remaining humans are immune to RM, babies that have been born in the 11 years after the end of the world, are not immune and none have survived. The youngest human on earth is now just 14.

Kira is a medical intern whose main goal is to discover the cure to RM and save humanity. Despite internal strife among the surviving humans and the threat of the Partials returning to finish them all off once and for all, Kira won't back down. Fighting against all odds, she is determined to find the cure.

I really did enjoy this book, although I have to admit there were some glaring editorial errors that initially made me doubt the quality, but if you ignore them, you may find this book to be excellent.  

Friday, May 3, 2013

Legend by Marie Lu

I absolutely love this book. I couldn't put it down and ended up reading until 6 am! Legend is the first in a dystopian trilogy. Unfortunately the third doesn't come out till November of this year :S ugh. Anywho, Legend is followed by Prodigy which is followed by Champion (available November 5th). 

Marie Lu is the kind of girl I envy. She's not only beautiful, but she's extremely talented too. It's kind of unfair that so much awesomeness belongs to one person. But she is awesome and she's a great writer to boot.

Legend introduces us to America after the world pretty much goes to Hell. What was formerly the US is now split between the Republic and the Colonies who are constantly at war. The story follows Day: a young rebellious boy who has grown up on the streets, and June: the smart, brave warrior of the Republic. Day and June's lives become irreversibly linked when June's brother is murdered and Day becomes suspect #1. What follows is frustrating, agonizing, and brilliant. I believe this is what makes Lu's writing amazing. She sucks you in. I love when a book gets me so involved that I almost forget it's not real.

Despite the wait for the third book to come out, I think you should get this book right now as in today. It's great, and I know you'll enjoy it.